Easingwold District Art Society
- Easingwold Art Society -

April 2021 online Exhibition

Last October, because of Covid restrictions, EDAS was forced to abandon its normal Autumn Art Fair in the Galtres Centre in Easingwold. As a replacement, we organised an On-Line Exhibition of works by 36 of our exhibitors and this was very well received. It has therefore been decided to repeat this experiment with a Spring 2021 On-line Exhibition and on this occasion we have 55 artists displaying 105 exhibits which we hope that you will find both interesting and enjoyable. EDAS does not wish to be directly involved in the sale of any of these works and for this reason some of the artists have included their website or email details within their artist notes. In other cases we shall be very willing to put potential purchasers in touch with the individual artists. Contact malcolmthyne@yahoo.co.uk


We are keeping the whole Covid scenario under review and we very much hope that it will prove feasible to return to staging a normal EDAS Exhibition once again this coming October.

Artist:   Anne Albats

Media:   Acrylics

I came to painting in my retirement which quickly became my main and most absorbing hobby. My painting took on a new life when I bought my first acrylic tubes to paint and since then I have never looked back.

Artist:   Gina Bean 

Media:   Acrylics

In spite of being a difficult year, 2020 has given Gina time to try new techniques and materials and also new ways to show her paintings. She is now being represented by a London agent Amelia Maxwell art advisory and she has had a number of successful exhibitions with her. She is however looking forward to having local shows again in 2021.

Artist:   Richard Bell

Media:   Pastels & Oils 

My paintings evoke memories of places I have visited with camera and sketchbook and show my fascination with using oils, pastels or watercolour to capture the effects of sunlight and reflections on water and wet surfaces.

Artist:   Valerie Bell

Media:   Watercolour

My inspiration for painting comes from nature and landscape, whatever excites me. I aim to convey colour and light in my chosen subjects. I like pastels for their immediacy and vibrancy, the excitement of mixed media and the pure beauty of watercolours.

Artist:   Sue Birch

Media:   Acrylics

Sue uses acrylics on canvas to create colourful abstract paintings of flowers against coastal, meadow and sunset/sunrise backgrounds. The composition and colours are inspired by walks in our beautiful gardens and countryside, or around our stunning coast. The canvases are usually mounted in 'floating' frames. To see more work, please visit https://birchwood.godaddysites.com/

Artist:   Alan Blackburn

Media:   Watercolour

Joining Mike Dobson's class enthused me to experiment and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour. Art has become an important component of my life.

Artist:   Katy Booth

Media:   Watercolour

I am a member of NYAS and the Boroughbridge Art Group allegedly to paint; I also love the encouragement, fun and banter both offer. I am known for a more pedantic approach (faffing) and for being the quiet one in the group!

Artist:   Fiona Bowers

Media:   Acrylics

Fiona is an acrylic artist living in Easingwold and a member of the local art group called "Art Pod”. She is inspired by the beauty of nature in particular dramatic and stunning scenery. She primarily creates bright and rich coloured landscapes.

Artist:   Lynda Bullus

Media:   Oils & Watercolour

Lynda has always enjoyed painting, initially in oils, but also works in watercolour and pastels. She will often paint buildings and landscapes and likes to develop the sketches done whilst working outside.

Artist:   Helen Cassidy

Media:   Gourd Art

Although normally a landscape painter, during Lockdown over the last year I needed a change of direction and felt inspired to try something very different - “gourd art”. My designs are based on their natural form, carved, wood burned and decorated to hopefully enhance their natural beauty. helencassidypaintings.com; helen.cassidy2@btinternet.com

Artist:   Pam Chilton

Media:   Wet & Needle Felting

Felt paintings are created using natural and dyed wools with wet and needle felting techniques. Commissions are welcome. Felting workshops can also be arranged. www.art57.co.uk

Artist:   Mike Clarke

Media:   Watercolour

Mike Clarke is a member of the Boroughbridge Art Group who has been painting Landscape using watercolours.

Artist:   Margaret Davis

Media:   Watercolour

I belong to the North Yorkshire Art Society and the Boroughbridge Art Group.  I often take photographs when walking my dog and then paint from them in watercolour.  These are two paintings from those photographs.

Artist:   Mike Dobson

Media:   Watercolour

Mike has painted for over 20 years. He trained as a teacher and remained in the Education Service throughout his career. After retirement he took up teaching again and started painting watercolours and now runs classes and workshops in Yorkshire and the North East. He spent several years tutoring on cruise liners and in art societies up and down the UK. He is Chairman of the North Yorkshire Art Society. 

Mike is happy to discuss painting commissions whether landscapes, seascapes or buildings. He is primarily a watercolorist but also enjoys pen and wash.

Artist:   Elisabeth Dunnett

Media:    Acrylics

I've always enjoyed making pencil sketches when I'm out and about. More recently I have turned to using colour which can add emotion and drama to the subject. 

Artist:   Val Emery

Media:   Oils & Graphite

I am inspired by the colours and textures within the environment which I try to explore through my use of mixed media.

Artist:   Marina Emptage

Media:   Acrylics

My adventure into art started with Watercolours and the unpredictability of dropping pigment into paint on paper never ceased to excite and surprise me. Then I discovered the speed and versatility of Acrylics which can also produce their own textural thrills. I generally work from photos and then go straight onto the canvas with palette knives, often accidentally picking up a few colours together. This sometimes results in unintentional but pleasing impasto marks. From then on the idea from head to hand often gets lost in translation. However the addition of a mount can reveal a whole new story to a piece of work.

Artist:   Kerry Galley

Media:   Graphite & pencil

I am a self-taught graphite artist with a lifelong love of portraiture. My goal is to bring as much presence, personality and feeling as possible to each of my drawings.

Artist:   Madeline Hall-Jackson

Media:   Acrylic on canvas

After almost a year of not painting, I started experimenting with Acrylic and have really enjoyed discovering the rich colours and techniques the medium offers.  I find inspiration in the wonderful open countryside of the Dales, the Lake District and by the magic scenery of Provence.

Artist:   Judith M Hartup

Media:   Watercolour

My work is inspired by nature and plants, mostly in watercolour and often quite detailed although recently I have been experimenting with different styles and media. However botanical subjects always provide surprising colour and form

Artist:   Joan Hill

Media:   Watercolour

I am a watercolourist who attends the Boroughbridge Art Group and I thoroughly enjoy using this medium to convey the pleasure that I find in attractive villages at home and abroad, coastal scenes with boats, animals and flowers.

Artist:   Sarah Hill

Media:   Watercolour

I love the way watercolour paints have a life of their own that makes everything feel so fresh. I have chosen two particularly summery paintings to exhibit this year to remind myself that there are brighter times ahead!

For more information about original paintings or commissions feel free to contact me (sjhill2020@outlook.com) or visit my website (www.sarahhillart.weebly.com). You can also find my prints and cards for sale at www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SarahHillArtShop

Artist:   Michael Hobbis

Media:   Acrylics

I create landscapes full of colour inspired by British modernism of the 1950s including the St. Ives School, Patrick Heron and Ivon Hitchens. I have a passion for painting and line and have developed this through study of local artist Patrick Smith.

Artist:   Luisa Holden

Media:   Mixed Media

I am a contemporary painter, working primarily in acrylics/ mixed media/gold leaf, in a semi- representational / semi-abstract style. I love to paint the North Yorkshire landscape and coast and I have an interest in still life, sometimes employing abstract geometric elements and a muted, unifying colour palette. In 2018 I was elected as a member of Leeds Fine Artists. My website is www.luisaholdenart.co.uk.

Artist:   Shirley Holdsworth

Media:   Mixed media

I trained as an Occupational Therapist in Oxford in the '60s, worked in a variety of hospitals and in the community until my retirement. This enabled me to pursue my hobbies and go to York College where I gained a first-class honours degree in contemporary craft.

Artist:   Ann Holt

Media:   Acrylics

I took up painting during retirement whilst living on the West Coast of Scotland. I was inspired by the stunning landscape, the History and deep sense of place. 

Artist:   Linda Howe

Media:   Acrylics

Born in Stoke-on-Trent, graduate in Spanish and French from London University and now retired to York, I have found great fulfilment in leisure classes in Art, painting seascapes, landscapes, portraits and animals. My preferred medium is acrylic. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.

Artist:   John Humphreys

Media:   Acrylic on canvas

I paint seascapes, landscapes, animals and people from my studio in Easingwold. I studied in Belfast, at Camberwell School of Art and Crafts and at The Royal College of Art in London. I have exhibited widely and undertaken many commissions.

Artist:   Nigel Joesbury

Media:   Soft Pastels

Nigel Joesbury is a self taught artist who developed his skills as a member of Sheriff Hutton Art Group and has found a passion for using soft pastels. He enjoys painting all subjects but has recently used his time on portraits of music artists.

Artist:   Margaret Johnson

Media:   Acrylics & Watercolour

I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of trying to produce a painting from one of my photographs. Art has opened new avenues for me and takes me to lots of new places, with exercise included. Highly recommended.

Artist:   Jane Jones

Media:   Watercolour

I love experimenting with paint to create a picture, trying to let the paint do the work for me. I adore mixing and creating colours, usually strong and bold.

Artist:   Caroline Lewis

Media:   Pastels

Caroline is a pastel artist living in North Yorkshire, her main inspiration being wildlife, pet and people portraits. Caroline started drawing animals on the farm where she grew up from an early age and now sells to private collectors at home and abroad. Commissions welcome. carolinelewisart@gmail.com Follow on Facebook & Instagram

Artist:   Angie McCall

Media:   Watercolour; Collage & Mixed Media

Renowned for her watercolour flower portraits, more recent work explores paper collage using text and mixed media to produce unique pieces. A member of Fylingdales Artists and award winner at Patchings Art Festival.

Artist:   Dorothea McMahon

Media:   Watercolour, pen & ink; Pen & wash

I love to use my garden as an inspiration for painting. This painting represents the view from my window.

Artist:   Julie Midsummer

Media:   Acrylics & Watercolour

In my work, I try to capture the moments that made my heart miss a beat. To cause the viewer to wonder.  To wonder what lay beyond the horizon, through the mist or around the bend in the woodland path. To stir the imagination and, for a short time, dream.

Artist:   Carol Ormiston

Media:   Oil on canvas

Having lived and worked in France for over 20 years, my work reflects the rural areas of the South West and the Normandy and Brittany coastlines.

Artist:   Angela Ovenston

Media:   Acrylics

Enjoys painting Yorkshire landscapes on the spot, using eg charcoal, watercolour, gouache and pastels. Inks, acrylics and collage are also used for more abstract work. In 2020, outdoor painting came to a halt; instead, attention was focused on subjects in the new wild patch of the garden at Husthwaite. Tel: 01347 868 347

Artist:   John Robinson

Media:   Pastels

I started to paint in 2005 following retirement whilst living in the south-west of France. My teacher was my good friend Inga Kennedy, a professional Dutch artist who specialised in watercolour, acrylics and sculpture. I painted in watercolour for at least 10 years but more recently, following my return to the UK, ventured into pastels and acrylics due to the intensity of colour and freedom that they bring. My preferred subjects are landscape, seascape and buildings. In normal times, I mainly paint at the Art Groups in Easingwold and Coxwold.

Artist:   Rhona Rowley

Media:   Acrylics

Living in the beautiful Wolds I can enjoy the variety offered by the changing seasons. I am inspired by the countryside and nature and I paint mainly in Watercolour, Pastels and Acrylic, seeking out images that inspire me and hopefully others. I enjoy most subjects, particularly landscape, flowers and animals.

Artist:   David Senior

Media:   Watercolour

As a student, on an artist’s holiday, I spent about £25 on watercolour materials - a lot of money, so I decided to stick at it. I am a WATERCOLOURIST. Get good heavy paper and good quality half pans, you have a good base. Try wet on wet! I love it!

Artist:   Elaine Shillito

Media:   Oils

I was a hobby artist when younger and took a break to bring up children. I started being interested again about ten years ago. I work in watercolour, acrylic, pastel, pen and coloured pencil.

Artist:   Ali Smethurst

Media:   Watercolour & pastels

Ali Smethurst is an amateur watercolour and pastel artist who enjoys painting northern landscapes and wildlife. Email: ali.smethurst@gmail.com 

Artist:   Gina Smith

Media:   Textiles

I am a textile artist living in Easingwold. I love the variety that Yorkshire offers and work mainly from my own photographs depicting the landscape and also its Minster and ruined abbeys. I use transparent materials which I layer up to get colour and tone, giving the appearance of watercolours. This I stitch into by hand to give more depth and texture. I am a founding member of Diverse Threads. ginasmithtextiles@gmail.com

Artist:   Cathy Staines

Media:   Acrylics

I started painting after retiring and am very much a novice. However, I do feel that I am learning and I find it extremely therapeutic. I enjoy landscapes and, in particular, landscapes that I have personally experienced and have meaning for me.

Artist:   Tom Stanford

Media:   Watercolour

Tom Stanford, a mathematician by training and a former FE College Vice-Principal, is 82 and an amateur watercolour artist from Langthorpe. He is an enthusiastic member of two Boroughbridge based art groups. On and off he has been drawing and painting for his own amusement for about 25 years, but very much more during the lockdown of the past year.

Artist:   Irene Stimpson

Media:   Watercolour

I am a retired hairdresser and started painting as a hobby. I have enjoyed being a member of the Galtres Friendly Painters because of the helpful encouragement all members of the group are willing to offer.

Artist:   Beverly Stockton

Media:   Oil on Canvas

Bev Stockton, a local Artist, I have lived in York for some years now and love it! But I have also travelled and lived around the world, bringing some of my life and experiences into my work. The way we look at objects and our surroundings vary so much from person to person, so leaving a little to interpretation keeps life more interesting and alive, I think. And this reflects in my work, which is mainly impressionistic, a little abstract and experimental, using a variety mediums and techniques. To see more of my work please go to my Facebook page Bev Stockton Art.

Artist:   Sylvia Symmonds

Media:   Mixed media

I have had no formal training - mainly self taught and workshops - I started painting on my retirement. I love bright colours, experimenting with mixed media. I am a

member of two local art groups who have regular workshops and we support each other.

Artist:   Lin Taylor

Media:   Acrylics

I am a member of York Art Society. My Inspiration comes from walking in landscapes worldwide. I enjoyed painting in watercolours but more recently tried Acrylics which can be more vibrant. I experimented with a Horse portrait which made me smile and an Art Nouveau style painting during the Covid 19 lockdown when we were more confined with travel restrictions.


Artist:   Heather Theobold

Media:   Acrylics

I began my art journey a few years ago when I retired from a career in Welfare Rights, something I was equally passionate about. 

What I love about art is how subjective it can be and how it is so personal to the artist and the observer. I consider myself an emerging artist who enjoys the challenges and wonder of using different mediums, styles and techniques and the joy of simply having a go.

I must thank my teachers Karen Winship and Sue Clayton who have encouraged me to 'look' and 'see' and have helped me to release my creative side and express myself through my art. I hope the paintings I have submitted reflect the playfulness, enjoyment and fun that I find in the actual process of art and being creative.

Artist:   Malcolm Thyne

Media:   Acrylics

I attend the Boroughbridge Art Group, contentedly rooted in the lower echelon of the ability range and appreciating the friendship, fun, laughter and banter that this group provides. Particularly enjoying mountain scenery and seascapes I paint in both watercolour and acrylics. 

Artist:   Sue Wade

Media:   Watercolour

Sue is a talented artist who experiments with a varied range of materials and paint techniques. This constant self challenge creates some exciting and original work.

Artist:   Jean Waring

Media:   Acrylics

I trained at Bretton Hall Art College and started my work life as a Potter. It wasn’t until I retired that I really started to produce paintings for sale.

Artist:   Mary Weir

Media:   Watercolour & Oils

The two paintings I have chosen represent both my love of the vibrancy of watercolour and my venture into landscapes both of which remind me just how beautiful our world is. The need to paint 'that feeling, at that moment in time' proves ever a blessing and a curse.

Artist:   Mike Williamson

Media:   Watercolour

Advised against pursuing GCE Art at Secondary School, Mike Williamson's interest in painting remained dormant for almost 60 years until his good friend Mike Dobson MBE encouraged him to try his hand at watercolouring a few years ago.

We hope you have enjoyed viewing this years online gallery. A huge thank you to our artists this year for taking the time to produce such wonderful pieces. If you would like any further information on any of our artists or would like to join in with future events please email the team at info@easingwoldartsociety.co.uk

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